memoQ can check many things in the translation automatically. In memoQ, the automatic checks are called quality assurance checks.

A QA option set tells memoQ what to check and how. For example, you can choose to check terminology, consistency, length. Or, you can simply check the inline tags only.

To learn more about the various settings, see the topic about editing QA options.

Don't mix QA with LQA: memoQ also knows about Linguistic Quality Assurance. This is a way of adding human feedback to documents. The human reviewers can structure and formalize their feedback, and grade the translations if necessary. You use the LQA options - LQA models - to enter these and report about them.

How to get here

1.At the very top of the memoQ window - in the Quick Access toolbar quick-access-default -, click the Resource console (ring binder) icon-resconsole icon. The Resource console window opens, with the Translation memories pane.

2.Under Resource, click QA settings. The QA settings pane appears.


What can you do?

Create a new empty QA option set

Create a new QA option set by copying an existing one

View and manage online QA option sets (on a memoQ server)

Pin QA option sets to the list: Make them appear permanently

Find a QA option set on the list

Export or import a QA option set

Edit a QA option set

View the name, language, and description of a QA option set; edit the name and the description

Delete a QA option set

Share a QA option set on a server - or remove it

Publish a QA option set on a server - or stop publishing it

Set permissions over an online QA option set

When you finish

To work with another type of resource: Under Resource, choose another category.

To return to your work: Switch to the memoQ main window. Press and hold down Alt, and press Tab, until you get to the memoQ main window. Or, on the Windows taskbar, click the memoQ icon, then click the memoQ main window. The Resource Console stays open.

Or, you can close the Resource Console: Click Close.

If you opened a translation memory, a term base, or a LiveDocs document for editing: Switch to the memoQ main window (or close the Resource console), and then go to the editor tab.