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When you are managing an online project, you can perform statistics on the project. To do this, first you need to open the project in memoQ online project dialog:

1.On the Project ribbon tab, choose Manage projects. The Manage projects dialog opens.

2.In the Server URL box, select or type the address of your memoQ server. This will be the server where you create the project.

3.memoQ might prompt you for a user name and a password. Type a user name and a password that is the member of the Administrators group on the memoQ server. memoQ displays a list of projects that are already stored on that server.

4.In the Manage projects dialog, select the project, then click the Manage link. The project opens in the memoQ online project dialog.

To calculate statistics on the project, follow these steps:

1.In the memoQ online project dialog, navigate to Translations. In the Target language drop-down box (at the top right corner of the memoQ window), select a target language. You cannot perform statistics with All languages selected.

2.If you do not want to perform statistics on the entire project, select the documents you want to analyse.

3.Below the document list, click the Statistics link. The Statistics dialog appears.

4.Select the appropriate options for the statistics operation, then click Calculate.

See also: For a detailed description of options in the Statistics dialog, see the Statistics dialog topic.

You can also calculate and view statistics for the project in the Overview pane of Project home: click the Reports tab, then, next to the Analysis last calculated row, click Calculate now. memoQ will calculate the analysis for all target languages, and display a summary table in the Analysis section of the Reports tab.